Meta Foundation

Revitalizing the Meta Foundation: A Vision for the Future
Founded by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schönemann in 2000, the Meta Foundation is a beacon of innovation and education, nestled in Dornbirn, Austria.
With a mission to drive forward education and pioneering scientific endeavors, the foundation has become a catalyst for transformative change in the scientific community.

The Metalife Project: Modeling the Miracle of Life
At the heart of the Meta Foundation lies the groundbreaking Metalife Project, an initiative as bold as it is visionary.

The goal?
To create a computer-supported model of life itself.
While this may seem like an audacious dream, it is far from impossible. Reflect on the remarkable advancements of recent years: just a decade ago, the Human Genome Project was a monumental and painstaking global effort. Today, it's a completed chapter in scientific history, with the once-unimaginable 1000-dollar genome within reach.As the life sciences community generates an ever-growing flood of data, the Metalife Project seeks to bridge the gap between the vast availability of information and the actual generation of actionable knowledge. Despite the explosion of data, only a tiny fraction of life's mysteries have been unraveled—over 99% of cellular processes and entire organisms remain shrouded in mystery. The Metalife Project aims to illuminate these dark corners of biology, transforming information into understanding.

Uniting Forces for a Common Goal
Such an ambitious project can only succeed through the collective effort of the global life sciences community. The Meta Foundation has already garnered enthusiastic support from some of the most influential companies in the field. In Germany, every major life sciences company has embraced the vision and is actively participating in the initial phase. The cooperative network is set to expand internationally, fueled by the unique potential of the Metalife Project.What sets this project apart is its commitment to open science. The Meta Foundation will provide ongoing results of the Metalife Project free of charge to the global life sciences community. This standardized knowledge base will be accessible to scientists worldwide, enabling them to publish their findings more quickly, integrate new insights faster, and ultimately accelerate the pace of discovery.

A Future Without Disease
The Meta Foundation firmly believes that the collaborative power harnessed through the Metalife Project will lead to nothing short of revolutionary breakthroughs—potentially curing nearly all diseases and significantly enhancing the quality and longevity of human life.
The foundation has committed to long-term funding to ensure the successful completion of this monumental endeavor.
This financial security is bolstered by the support of numerous organizations, along with the early backing of tech giants Microsoft and Intel, who have provided high-performance computers and system software from the project's inception.
In revitalizing and sustaining the Meta Foundation, we are not just preserving a legacy—we are paving the way for a future where the mysteries of life are no longer mysteries, but knowledge that can change the world.